Email: 587-782-3727
Please, briefly tell us who you are.
We need the following information so we can thank you, as well as send you a copy of your tax receipt.
press Enter ↩
, what type of donation would you like to make?
, where would you like to designate your donation?
, we appreciate the generosity. How much are you wanting to donate today?
, Is this donation in memory or in honor of someone?
, would you like us to notify their family?
, would you like us to notify them?
, what's your email?
, can you tell us your address?
We need a complete version to generate the tax receipt.
What city are you located in?
What province are you located in?
What's your postal code?
, what's your phone number?
, we really appreciate you thinking of us and want to shout it from the rooftops.
Click and add your socials so we can post about how great you are and tag you - if you don't add your handle we will still celebrate, but only with your first name and last initial.
When we share how great you are we will not disclose the dollar amount, only that you choose to support seniors in our neighbourhood.
We understand you may want to keep it anonymous, that's ok - just let us know!
, is there anything else you want us to know about your donation?